

A Letter from Shenandoah National Park... January, 2013

Dear Gary Cliser -- I just saw your site. Another descendant of the former residents posted a link on our Facebook page. -- I really enjoyed your site and am excited to share it with the rest of the staff. -- I worked on the exhibit and actually have the cutout of Mr. Cliser in my office so I am reminded every day of the sacrifices that created the park. -- (By the way, the exhibit is at Byrd Visitor Center in the Big Meadows area, not at the Lodge. I hope your site will encourage others to see it, so I don't want anyone to go to the Lodge and think the exhibit has been removed.) -- I especially love the photo of the 7th generation with the cutout! I wish I had been there when the family visited!-- Thanks again for the effort you've put into your site; I am sure your ancestors would love it too.-- Claire -- Claire Comer Interpretive Specialist Shenandoah National Park 3655 US HWY 211 East Luray, VA 22835 (540) 999-3500 x3183 ----  SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK -- FACEBOOK LINK